Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Think Tank Tuesday 3/15: Summer Camp Used As KKK Recruitment Tool

[According to the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), Robb has been the KKK’s “national director” since the 1980s. The website for the camp, which can be accessed through the national events section of the KKK website, claims that white people “are facing genocide,” and that, “never before in the history of our people have we faced a challenge so threatening.” The site also claims that there is a “world-wide rebellion against our people,” and that, “there are few who have the courage to stand before the abyss and point the way to our racial redemption.”

Classes that will be conducted during the camp will focus on increasing participation and recruitment for the white nationalist movement by, “establishing white consciousness in a modern society,” and teaching students how to use propaganda effectively. Children as young as 16 are allowed to enroll in the camp as long as a parent or legal guardian submits a notarized, signed letter of permission.

Another summer camp being run by the Sons of Confederate Veterans, which has strong ties to the KKK and other hate groups. The Sam Davis Youth Camp is billed as a place where children will be taught “Southern history and culture,” that denounces the notion that, “great American heroes like Jefferson Davis and General Robert Lee…were evil, hate-mongering slave-holders.”

It is estimated that hundreds of teenagers from all over the American South attend Confederate camps held in several states, including South Carolina, where Confederate-sympathizing racist Dylann Roof gunned down nine Black people in a historic Black church.] source

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