Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Think Tank Tuesday 1/5: No Pay From Patti-Pies

Source: youtube
James Wright helped Patti Labelle (and Walmart) sell a lot of "Patti-Pies" as he likes to call them. Not only did he become an overnight success with the review heard around the globe, but he helped to make her pies become an overnight success, so you'd think Patti Labelle would have given him a portion of the profits right? Well that's not the story James is telling:

[“I feel that it’s awesome. I’m glad that they gave me the credit and said that I was responsible for it,” Wright said. When asked about compensation, the story went cold. Wright says that he has not made any profit from his new-found celebrity status, or for the help he provided to Walmart, albeit by accident.

“No I’m not profiting yet, but I claim it I will be. I claim it,” he said. “You’ve got it claim it or you’re not going to receive it… No, I ain’t got no check. I just feel that God will use you to bless other people, and feel that’s what he did.”

While Wright may not have made any money, Walmart sure did, and they will likely make a lot more. Doug McMillion, Walmart CEO posted on Instagram ” They’re back! Starting today and over the next two weeks, new shipments of#PattiPie arrive in stores nationwide. Big shout out to @mspattilabelle, @jameswrightchanel and @kthomas1908, who helped bring this great item back to stores!”

He said that it took almost 2 million pounds of sweet potatoes to get the pies back into the stores in time for Christmas. McMillion says that due to the popularity of the pie, it will now be available year round.] source

What are your thoughts? Should Patti cut James a check for helping to make her pies a huge success?

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