Monday, March 6, 2017

Iron Sharpens Iron

The phrase iron sharpens iron is taken from the Bible. The full quote is found in the book of Proverbs 27:17 and it states, "as iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another."(ESV) When most people hear that phrase they immediately think about two  allies strengthening each other, but today's message given by Dr. Eric Thomas shows how it's not just our allies who can cause us to grow stronger. 
When we think of haters we tend to think of spiteful individuals who for whatever reason wish ill will towards us and because of that we easily dismiss their words perceiving them to come from a place of jealousy therefore being of no importance -- but they are. In the video below, Dr. Thomas teaches that the words of haters do have importance in the proper context. Because of that we shouldn't dismiss their words so quickly, instead we should examine their words and assess ourselves to see if there is any truth to their words. Take some time to watch this important video and find out why we need to know if there is any truth to what our haters say about us and be sure to share this blog with a friend:

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