Wednesday, April 11, 2012

8th Grade Teacher Fired Over Trayvon Martin Fund Raiser

It's hard to find quality teachers who actually enjoy teaching these days. It's even harder to find a teacher who cares for the academic well-being of children so much that they pay for things out of their own pocket (on a teachers salary) all for the benefit of their students.
Well, one 8th grade teacher is that rare find who has also won Teacher of the Year a couple of times. Her reward for all of this? below:
"When Brooke Harris contacted us last week, her first concern was not her career—it was her students. She worried that she had let them down by not fighting harder for her job. She worried that their essays on Trayvon Martin would no longer be included in the school newspaper. She worried that the superintendent in charge of their education would continue to underestimate them. We’re worried about Brooke’s students too. Last month Brooke Harris’ eighth-grade class asked her about the “kid who was killed over some skittles;” she seized the opportunity to bring her students’ lived experiences into the classroom—a strategy we and other experts advocate.

Brooke’s students identify with Trayvon Martin. Many of them are African American. Many have been stopped by police who thought they looked suspicious. In fact, her students engaged so deeply with the issue that they asked to take it beyond essays and class discussions—they wanted to take action to help Trayvon’s family. They, like many students across the nation, wanted to show their support by wearing hoodies. Each student who participated would pay $1.

Proceeds would be donated to Trayvon’s family. Again, Brooke saw a teachable moment. She and her students began the formal process of organizing a school event. Students wrote persuasive letters to the principal and superintendent. Brooke and a co-worker filed the necessary paperwork. The principal immediately signed off on the fundraiser. Superintendent Cassell was less enthusiastic. She refused to approve the proposal, despite having supported many other “dress down” fundraisers. Brooke’s students took the disappointment in stride, but asked to present their idea to Cassell in person. And that’s when things got weird..."

Read more here.

Help Brooke Harris get her job back by signing the petition here!

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