Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The Texas Man With The $16 House Finally Kicked Out

You don't have to be a law student to know this day was coming. After 8 months of living in a $340,000 house he basically got for $16 (due to an obscure law) Kenneth Robinson was kicked out. But not before he used that situation to kickstart other opportunities for himself such as his website: 16dollarhouse.com, his ebook: Open and Notorious: Kenneth Robinson on Adverse Possession, and even booking speaking engagements for himself to educate the public on adverse possession- the little known law that got him into his house.

I think when we ...ahem.... heard this story about a brother who used a little known law to get himself a $340,000 house for 16 bucks, black folk around the country may have secretly been cheering, for how someone finally stuck it to the man at his own game. But you know how things go in this country, it wouldn't take a fortune teller to know that the man will fight dirty and stick it to you twice. If need be they'd pull an even more obscure law outta their backsides just to kick him out, and well that's almost how things went:

[Robinson, 51, lived on Waterford Drive in Flower Mound, Texas, but he did not own or rent the home he claimed he had a right to live in. After the owner abandoned the property, which had been in foreclosure for over a year, and the mortgage company reportedly went out of business, he submitted a $16 filing fee at the local courthouse, claiming the law of "adverse possession" gave him the right to occupy the home.

However, a judge in Denton County ruled Monday that the current lienholder, Bank of America, can force Robinson out.

Robinson had became a local celebrity of sorts, writing an eBook and creating a website, http://16dollarhouse.com, about the home in which he lived for about eight months. On his site, he states, "I am successful because I can see it no other way."

After the judge's decision, he told the Associated Press that he had moved out, ending what he called a "huge learning experience."] source: yahoo news
Want to know more about Kenneth Robinson's story click here!

Follow me @bigjyesupreme
picture source: pegasusnews.com

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